Iceland in 7 Days

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Day 1   Take the FlyBus (or rent a car) from Keflavik airport to Reykjavik 101 (downtown). This is where you’ll find the majority of the city’s bars, restaurants, cafés, museums, and galleries. Very walkable. Explore your surroundings and take a stroll along the harbor or Tjornin Pond. To keep costs down (as hotels can be … Read more

Iceland in 10 Days

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Day 1   Take the FlyBus (or rent a car) from Keflavik airport to Reykjavik 101 (downtown). This is where you’ll find the majority of the city’s bars, restaurants, cafés, museums and galleries. Very walkable. Explore your surroundings and take a stroll along the harbor or Tjornin Pond. To keep costs down (as hotels can be … Read more

Iceland in 14-21 Days

Article image of Iceland in 14-21 days

This amount of time will enable you to enjoy the full expanse of the Ring Road while having the time to get out of the car and explore. Earlier in the year (e.g. April/May, I would recommend going in a counter-clockwise direction so that by the time you arrive in the North (especially in the … Read more

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